Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-21-2007, 12:48 PM   #96
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Why is it that you "cartagena" would resort to such frivolous & libelous personal attacks while cowardly hiding behind a pseudonym? It can't possibly be because you are classy & manly, or a person who can stand up for himself -- so I assume it's because you struggle with some shortcomings.

It's okay, but if you talk smack I think you should also be able to say this face-to-face, or better yet, meet my GF and tell her, and then we'll see what kind of man you are. But then again, cowards like yourself, who hide behind fake screen-names, wouldn't likely take me up on that.

so peer is amazed that cartagena would resort to these attacks, which he labels cowardly??? this from the man who posted attacks breaking his very own code of ethics....cartagena only "talked smack" to one mr peer degraded all of the Americans here, Porsche owning mind you, classifying us as lazy... oh, and his ethics and rules for insulting others are:

you should also be able to say this face-to-face
not cowards, who hide behind fake screen-names

next lesson for the student at school is......the double standard

so I'm with Bruce, quit acting a fool and you won't have to worry about people insulting you......

So let me tell you this, as I'm one of those "foreign guests" that you allude to -- I initially got bulged-eyed when I came to the US and discovered how badly you Americans handle your own language. Sure, back home we always heard about how crummy your educational system was, and were aware of Americans "lazy" mindset -- but had never expected it to be so prevalent. Come'on, how hard can it be to at least learn your own language?!

-- peer
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