Thread: Forum peeves..?
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Old 04-21-2007, 02:27 AM   #92
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cartagena wrote:
> Is this person:
> 1) Gay.
> 2) Closet Homosexual.
> 3) Gay Student.
> 4) Gay Student who thinks he has great grammer.

Why is it that you "cartagena" would resort to such frivolous & libelous personal attacks while cowardly hiding behind a pseudonym? It can't possibly be because you are classy & manly, or a person who can stand up for himself -- so I assume it's because you struggle with some shortcomings.

It's okay, but if you talk smack I think you should also be able to say this face-to-face, or better yet, meet my GF and tell her, and then we'll see what kind of man you are. But then again, cowards like yourself, who hide behind fake screen-names, wouldn't likely take me up on that.

Jeez -- the insecurity of some people...

-- peer
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