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Old 12-02-2014, 12:33 PM   #21
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Someone got their Smart Car tipped....

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Old 12-02-2014, 01:57 PM   #22
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My cat tipped my smart car because he's a jerk.

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Old 12-02-2014, 02:03 PM   #23
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I don't have a dog in this fight and I am not picking sides on this but Jake you seem to always get into pissing matches with everyone on here that has a different spin on products for our cars. Yes you and LN came up with the tools and the kit to extract and replace the IMS and from what I can tell a lot of people have chosen to buy engines from you. However, you come on here time and time again picking fights with other shops and companies that have a different take or a different product to offer. If this guys product is good then he will earn respect and a following. If his product and service is not good then his business will fail. As a consumer, I always let the product speak for itself and do my research. I have an LN bearing in my car and I also added the TuneRS Direct Oil Feed kit. I did my research and got the products that made sense to me at the time but getting into an internet tough guy match just makes you look really bad man.

Does it matter that you were a Marine in this discussion. No and the mention of it looks like a weak marketing tactic. The majority of people are coming around that the military have just been advancing the corporate multinational agenda and certainly not protecting our freedoms. Additionally, from what I see your new IMS solutions looks like a different variation that essentially copies the oil feed concept that TuneRS developed and use in their race cars. I remember reading the comments you wrote on here that essentially killed the discussion and confused quite a few members that were considering the TuneRS product. The best way to see what really works best is maybe for you both to put your cars on the street as well as the track in competition and let's see how your engines and upgrades perform under duress. If the roller bearing is a better product so be it. If the new LN IMS solution is better so be it. So far the only company that has put their product to the test is TuneRS with their Direct Oil Feed kit.

As a Boxster owner I a more interested in ideas that will make my car run better and last longer at the most reasonable price. Yes Jake I guess you would classify me as one of those "bottom feeders" that you were referring to in your last rant. I had my engine rebuilt at a local shop in Florida for a lot less than one of your rebuilds and my car runs way better than the day I got it.

Last edited by ultimate1; 12-02-2014 at 02:16 PM.
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Old 12-02-2014, 02:15 PM   #24
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Haven't heard a bad thing about MB motorsports, nor have I heard anything bad about Jake....until you put them both in a room together!
Guys, you both have your own place in the chain and both have successful businesses from what I can glean. Good luck to you both.
2011 Boxster 987.2 Arctic silver / Black leather, PDK with Sports Chrono Package Plus
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Old 12-02-2014, 02:19 PM   #25
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The majority of people are coming around that the military have just been advancing the corporate multinational agenda

Um... right. I fought hard for that Somali and Kosovar oil, and all the time I spent in the Fulda gap back in the 80s was to prevent those eastern European corporations from flooding our markets with cheap communist products.

Where's some good thread-locker when you need it.

Cat, Cat, CAT!
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Old 12-02-2014, 02:33 PM   #26
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A bit off topic, but from my experience, ALL CAR SHOPS on Morse Avenue (and nearby)in Schaumburg are TOP guys. (: From Strictly Modified(personal friends), Legend Racing(my nitrous guys), Factory 5/ProFunction(my Integra type R), and A-spec(dyno tuning). Have dealt with every single one of them and got to know them very well and would gladly recommend them to anyone!

As a new Chicagoland Porsche owner, I'll definitely stop by MB Motor. next time I'm in the area. The best of luck to you guys...
'99 Porsche Boxster 986 - weekend car
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Old 12-02-2014, 02:44 PM   #27
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This thread has outlived its usefulness, and ought to be deleted. It doesn't serve anyone well.
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:00 PM   #28
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"Bottom feeders", Mr. Raby? Yikes.
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:24 PM   #29
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The majority of people are coming around that the military have just been advancing the corporate multinational agenda and certainly not protecting our freedoms[/QUOTE]

The majority? Cite the case. Where's your facts to back this up? And just what is this corporate multinational agenda you speak of?

Are you one of those that thinks America only went to war because of the oil? God, I hope not, cause that means us Canadians are next! (We are America's biggest oil supplier, outside of America's own supply).
2011 Boxster 987.2 Arctic silver / Black leather, PDK with Sports Chrono Package Plus
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:35 PM   #30
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:42 PM   #31
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[QUOTE=Jake Raby;427021]

Wow, that's a long letter you have posted here...

First of all, we do not think Americans are stupid, that was your conclusion. We stated that you are using people's lack of knowledge to sell products that are not worth as much. That means that whoever produces these bearings, thinks people are stupid, making a big deal out of a simple bearing. If the person succeeds with it, great, sell it for even more money. But when you see competitors bearing being sold for half the cost, don't bug in and try to give your opinion. We do not make a big deal out of simple things, and let us remind you that you have started this IMS conversation. We have posted our engines for sale in this tread, and this is where it took off, thanks to your good friend Flavor 987S...
As our response, we have one of LN bearings, and within a week we will prove the whole process of where it came from, production of the bearing, and the cost, which will not exceed $100 for the actual bearing.
Flavor 987S, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee, we can discuss these things in person.
We also think that you have your own customers, and we have ours. Even if you have a customer that's willing to pay you a million bucks, that's great for you. Just don't make rebuilding engines a big deal, when it isn't.
(Attn. Flavor 987S!)I, Martin Biernacki from Poland, do not use any notes when I'm assembling my engines. Even 40 people could watch me, it would still be the same.
If you think you're dealing with some rookie who came up with fixing Porsches in a hurry, you're wrong. You have suggested that at 13 you have assembled your first Porsche engine. I seriously doubt that, you might have went overboard with that sentence. Do you thing anyone is going to believe that?
I'm 39 years old, and it so happens that I have been in the automotive industry since I was born. My father used to have an automotive shop before I even existed, and used to be a well known rally car racer in Poland. Believe it or not, 39 years ago, people used to race Porsches in Europe. Google Sobieslaw Zasada if you don't believe me, they were friends with my father. I grew up in this business, and realistically speaking, at age 12 I did not assemble Porsche engines. I have started assembling motorcycle engines then, which I began to race later. In 2006 I was #2 in Polish Superbike, on one of my self built engines.
I did not serve in the army like you did, but since I was 12yo, for 27 years now, I have been in this industry. At age 18, I took over my fathers' shop, I used to build BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, and Porsche engines. Today, I only work with Porsche engines because I choose to.
Maybe now you will understand that you making a big deal out of your IMS retrofit design is not such a big deal to me. It's kind of amusing, because technicians in Europe used to do this long time before you have! They used to remove the bearing, went to the store that sells bearings, found the one they needed, and made the so called "retro fit" at the nearest machine shop. Every mechanic used to do this individually, they designed it on their own. Nobody had to patent anything, because it was such an easy thing to do, it didn't even occur to them to patent something anybody can do. You're just lucky that in US nobody has time to search for bearings, or visit machine shops. Since you were the only one, that's more power to you, but you have to understand that in Europe it has been developed by individual shops long time before you did...
Now, when we offer an alternative, you are adding your negative comments. We did not ask you for a review. If you don't think our roll bearing is good quality, we can start producing the same bearings as LN does (from Japan #5204RS), but with our retrofit patent. Since the bearing itself is the most important, what will you have to say about that? Will you also be reviewing it negatively as the other one? We would sell if for $400, which is a fair price.
Believe us, it's not a problem to rebuild an engine, resleeve the blocks, or produce an IMS bearing.
You or me wouldn't have any business in Europe, because they can repair Porsches at pretty much every shop. It's not a big deal there, every smart technician can fix it. That was an answer to your question about why I came here. I highly doubt you have any students from Europe taking your school?
Cost of your resleeving is so high because there are almost no shops in US that know how to do it. LN uses one shop they have used for years, and unfortunately customers have to pay a lot of $ for it, that's why it's so expensive to do it in US. Resleeving is always our last resort. You take pride in it, charging 5k. It's not the best solution, since the steel (non-original) cylinders are not what the factory had in mind. If they were designed as aluminum, they should remain that way if possible. If you take pride in the parts you install new, why don't you buy new engine blocks for your rebuilds? Even a good used block is 100 times better than the resleeved one, doesn't matter who resleeves it.
Regarding the customers that come to our shop, Eurosport, Vertex Auto, Fisher, or similar ones, which you have called "the bottom feeders... tying up our phone lines", these are intelligent people who made informed decisions based on the time frame and cost of the repair. They're real people who know how much their cars, engines, and labor are worth. Many of our clients have laughed really loud when they talked about your charges.
The bottom line is that we are not sticking our nose in your business, and would really appreciate if you did the same. Please do not comment on our IMS, or about our work, because we don't comment on what you do. You have started this conversation, trying to outsmart us.
Rebuilding engines or designing IMS retrofit is not very complicated, and you have certainly not been the first one who developed either one!
Maybe you should travel more around the world, you can learn things that way...
Stop acting like a guru, not everyone wants to hear what you have to say.
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Old 12-02-2014, 03:55 PM   #32
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Car = $10k
Raby motor = $20k (or more. I don't care enough to check and I will never buy anything from or by him)
Total invested in car = $30k

Cars final value with super special Raby motor = still $10k

Basic math states that Raby rebuilds are a baaaaaaad investment.
I don't care what magical fairy spells he knows; only an idiot would invest that much money in a $10k car.

Someone needs to tell that guy that these aren't $50k cars anymore. Apparently, he didn't get the memo.

Last edited by tonichristi; 12-02-2014 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:24 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by tonichristi View Post
Car = $10k
Raby motor = $20k (or more. I don't care enough to check and I will never buy anything from or by him)
Total invested in car = $30k

Cars final value with super special Raby motor = still $10k

Basic math states that Raby rebuilds are a baaaaaaad investment.
I don't care what magical fairy spells he knows; only an idiot would invest that much money in a $10k car.

Someone needs to tell that guy that these aren't $50k cars anymore. Apparently, he didn't get the memo.
$700 for a bearing...you, sir, are a thief!

One more thing; if you think an internal combustion engine is like rocket science, then you're not very smart. Try actually building a multi-stage liquid fueled rocket sometime (here comes the part when he claims he already did when he was like 12, lmao!).
Any idiot can repair an internal combustion engine which is why mechanics generally aren't very highly educated.
We did not want to say it out loud, thanks for doing it for us
We have worked on 100's of customer's cars that have been driving them ever since, or have sold them, and bought a better model. Older Porsches with engine issues depreciate in value, especially when 2008 models and up have better engines, where factory has eliminated 60% of their faults. That car might cost more, but it will be cheaper to repair if anything happens.
Mr. Raby says he works on newer DFE engines, where pretty soon he will be surprised, because we will have these brand new engines from Europe for the price of his rebuild. Which one would you choose?
Stay tuned for our IMS investigation
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:24 PM   #34
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If I further respond it'll only detract from the thread further.

Enough has been said. We both have our places in the industry.

As far as the comment about using uneducated folks for a customer base, who do you think spends time writing articles, and instructing classes to educate people about these engines. The same person that's writing the book on them as we speak.
Jake Raby/www.flat6innovations.com
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:31 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Jake Raby View Post
If I further respond it'll only detract from the thread further.

Enough has been said. We both have our places in the industry.

As far as the comment about using uneducated folks for a customer base, who do you think spends time writing articles, and instructing classes to educate people about these engines. The same person that's writing the book on them as we speak.
You are still bragging about yourself, it's getting old, and we're bored. We're having a hard time deciding whether to laugh or cry about it.
Because of your IMS review, we will not let this one go...Don't forget to mention us in your book

Last edited by porsche-land; 12-02-2014 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:33 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by porsche-land View Post
You are still bragging about yourself, it's getting old, and we're bored. We're having a hard time deciding whether to laugh or cry about it.
Because of your IMS review, we will not let this one go...
Ok, if you must... That's fine.
Jake Raby/www.flat6innovations.com
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:35 PM   #37
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Okay, everyone here is being very unprofessional, not only the shop owners but forum members too.

Mr. Raby does have a habit of over dramatizing things about these cars, but there is evidence behind all of the modes of failure. He is skilled and gets good reviews often, not to mention those of us here at the forum really appreciate how often he posts and interacts. Rather than saying he can not "drop to our level" to pm us.

Now both products are likely of good quality based on the reviews of others. But the products aside it looks bad on all parties involved when you belittle each other infront of your small niche target market. Essentially creating a PR nightmare for the lot of those involved.

Charges and prices aside, raby built cars are essentially american RUFs at this point with the respect that he has for his knowledge and the figures these rebuilt engines can produce. Is it a smart investment though, that's up to you, I know I would never buy a 70k ruf 3400 s when I could do a swap in a roller for much less. However some people are interested in these rebuilds so let them be.

Essentially all involved at this point are only digging graves for themselves.
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:47 PM   #38
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no, I want the last word


and BigJake, your grammer is better
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:49 PM   #39
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Wow, I just looked up that bearing. I wish I would have known I could have purchased one from amazon for $5.91. The $5.99 shipping charge is a little steep though.
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Old 12-02-2014, 04:52 PM   #40
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[QUOTE=tonichristi;427066]Car = $10k
Raby motor = $20k (or more. I don't care enough to check and I will never buy anything from or by him)
Total invested in car = $30k

Basic math states that Raby rebuilds are a baaaaaaad investment.

This is pointed out during the consultation Jake gives before starting the job.

OE engine rebuilt,3.6 litre LN Engineering billet sleeves,triple row IMSB,LN rods. Deep sump oil pan with DT40 oil.
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