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Old 10-02-2004, 01:18 PM   #11
Posts: n/a
Hi, to replace the plastic window is fine... it is accepted in the UK as a repair... i mean you cant expect to replace the whole roof everytime the window cracks... thats crazy... i have had my window replaced 2 times in 6 year by porsche.

infact they recommend replacing it every 3 years... but come on why replace the whole roof when a window is just as good, no wonder porsche are getting annoyed... can you blame them?

the window replacement is fine and infact now available as dark plastic. plastic windows WILL always split.. there is no getting away from it.. also wear and tear is accepted when it comes to window cracks...

although it doesnt say you have to chop the window in the book but it also doesnt say how to drive a car... the point is ... the chop thing is to help the window from splitting... once the line has been formed it is ok... its the same with every convertable from ferrari to bmw

Last edited by porsche986; 10-02-2004 at 01:21 PM.
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