Tear in rear window covered under warranty?
I've seen posts about a tear in the rear window being covered under warranty with the fix being to replace the roof. I have the same problem, a small vertical tear in the top middle of the window. The dealer said the top is a 50/50 shot for warranty and factors such as wear and the condition of the top factor in. My issue was deemed NOT covered because it looks like the previous owner didn't do the "chop" thing to train the window to fold properly and that was reason enough for them to say the roof was not properly used and the warranty was not in effect. I'd be surprised if many people have done that...
This seems to be a discretionary thing that the dealers refer to Porsche N.A. (or at least that's what I was told) to make the decision. If anyone has experience with this, particularly if you were able to get the top replaced, will you please share what you know? It would help to know which dealers have agreed to honor the warranty so I can give my dealer some information to build his own case to get reimbursed. The only other options are to have a new window sewn in ($700) or pay for a roof myself.