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Old 03-07-2007, 06:43 AM   #9
Allen K. Littlefield
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Originally Posted by 986speedster
Thank you so much, thought I was the only one. I will attempt it tomorrow.

Glad to be of service for a change, usually since I am new to the Boxcars I ask more questions as I have little knowledge of the car and its idiosincracys. Just go easy with your installation of the light back into the fender. There are round studs that stick out of the sides of the headlight unit that have to be mated up to the slots in the black plastic pan that holds the light in place. I think I missed the lower left stud/track alignment when I pushed the light back into the fender. This, I believe, resulted in the breaking of the electric plug from the little tower that holds it into alignment. I now have to remove the tire, remove the fender liner in order to plug the electrical connection back into the rear of the locked down headlight unit. As I said, you don't want to have this problem. I am somewhat of a klutz when it comes to machinery, especailly cars. I can do carpentry work (built my own house physically), can build train models but always have had trouble with cars. Character flaw I suspect....

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