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Old 03-05-2007, 06:17 PM   #4
Allen K. Littlefield
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Originally Posted by boggtown
??? Are you suggesting that the clear glass is amplifying the orange of the plastic box? I can already tell you it wont have an effect. I would think its like putting a mirror behind orange cellophane... instead of nothing.... Still
No, not amplifying it but letting it show through since the amber is a three sided reflector. The clear bulb will let the amber through whereas the silver coated will not and will show silver to the front. The bulb is mounted in front of the amber reflector and not behind it like in the '02 and earlier lights. I don't expect a dramatic change but a subtle one and will find out the truth when I install them. Just an idea I had that I want to try out. Since the amber will be partially blocked by the silver bulb, it may cut down on it. Probably silly but what the hey, if it works it works. Only an idea.

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