I have been experiencing what I would call an Intermittent issue with the top of my Boxster.
I have a MY 2000, bought recently...
I have noticed the need to pull the hand brake up seemingly "through the roof" in order for whatever sensor there is to notice that the parking brake is engaged before lowering/raising the top.
This past weekend, while engaging the Emergency brake, the warning light would not go "on" and thus I couldn't move the top. I set and released the brake a handful of times to no avail. I then turned the car off and on again, and the light came on as expected and the top worked. This sure is annoying more than anything.
So. What kind of sensor (I assume electric vs mechanical) is there for the top to notice when the E-Brake has been engaged?
Anyone else have this problem?
I skimmed my Bentley manual. Under the "e-brake" adjustment section there was not mention of a "top" sensor. In the "top" section there was no cross reference to the e-brake needing to be set.
The wiring diagram, well, I am not good with wiring diagrams