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Old 12-11-2006, 03:24 AM   #2
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I recently had vibrations and took out my motor mount to find the rubber cracked and shifted 5 mm to the right. I went to the dealer and told the parts dealer my model & year. They pulled up the part number and sold me the part with the 4-bolt assembly and my stock one was 3 bolt. The 4 bolt fit up fine, I only used 3 bolts on the new assembly because I do not have the threading for the 4th bolt and driven for about 100 miles now smooth as ever. I also noticed that the assembly metal and build quality on the new mount was considerably stiffer than the old one (not stiffer for driving, it was as smooth as off the factory floor).

Here's a pic I snapped before installing the new mount - old mount (left) and new mount (right).

It was fine for me, no installation issues or problems with the fourth hole. If you notice the fourth hole is for the upper right of the mount. It clears everything for me in the pulley area.

Last edited by kt1; 12-11-2006 at 03:28 AM.
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