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Old 11-28-2006, 11:19 PM   #9
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I plan on starting my quest in the Chicago area this week. I will be looking for a 2006 Boxster or Boxster S, Silver (really, non-dark color or yellow, no offense of course!), and with a Tiptronic transmission. I hope they will basically be throwing the thing at me being this late in the season for a 2006.

I've seen non-S varieties for ~$53,000 and I would assume to at least be getting 15% off MSRP bringing that down to ~$45K. I believe invoice on this though is $40K for this range according to Kelly BB (after putting in all the extra options listed). I would have to assume this $40K is low though right? Especially if I was to offer say, $1K above invoice ($41K)? I guess we'll find out this week, wish me luck!
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