Originally Posted by Rail26
With the control arm being broken...what should I be concerned about? I imagine I will need a alignment for starters. What about the drivetrain being torqued? I just want to be smart when I start asking the adjuster/auto shop the questions.
sorry to hear about your week. which control arm broke? the one with the ball joint or the one that runs along the car? i wouldn't worry about the drivetrain being torqued. you'll need to check the other control arm under there to see if it's bent or cracked. check the strut to make sure it's not bent. check for cracks in the subframe that the control arm mounts to. replace the strut top-mount, as this type of injury will usually tear up the mounting rubber. chekc the toe steer link to make sure it's not bent / cracked. and, of course, get it aligned. can you post any pics?