We will all headbutts but guy's let us not take it personally and please let's be careful on how we deliver the message or the comment. We are all adults in here ( i think..hehehehe)
now to change the ambient in this forum, go see the thread I have posted
Originally Posted by NickCats
Ok guys, let’s not pick on MNBoxster. He is entitled to his opinion, just like everyone else . He has provided more technical advice and knowledge on this forum that anyone else. It seems like every time he “speaks his mind” everyone jumps all over him. I guess every group needs a “bad guy” which seems the be the part Jim often plays ( and seems to enjoy ). It is the camaraderie with fellow Boxster owners, the plethora of information I have learned about this great car, and all the other useless, random, and entertaining junk that make me log into this crazy forum on a daily basis. If all we did is talk about technical stuff ( like the Mercedes and Jaguar forums I have been a member of ) I doubt that many of us would be inclined to keep coming back on a daily basis.
Just my $0.02