Originally Posted by blinkwatt
Then add that I can't seem to get a single rivet to fit back in wholes.....
How in the world do I install the old rivets? I can get the part that the rivet inserts into in,but that's it,it doesn't want to go back in how it was. With just the 3 10mm nuts connecting the wheel well liner it's tight enough for me to drive,but I want to reinstall all the rivet connections. How in the world is this done? Hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about,I attached a picture.
It looks like you need to first take the entire rivet out first, and put in new ones. In your picture, you pulled the pins out, but the rivet base is still inserted in the wheel liner. when you insert the new rivets (I always buy new ones whenever I take the wheel liners out because you always ruin a few when removing), assemble them correctly first before putting in (ie. put the two pieces together with the pin halfway in the base), then push the rivet in place. Once the rivet is in place, secure the rivet by kust pushing down until the pin is in the rivet.