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Old 11-17-2006, 12:42 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by BuffaloBoxster
I had a claim through Warranty Direct for my O2 sensors and MAF. The company paid just like they said they would, and I had it fixed at the dealer. The dealer calls it in, WD OK's the repair, and they pay the bill, minus the deductable, with their corporate credit card right over the phone.

They may try to wimp out on paying the shop's full labor rate but this is nothing new with insurance companies and the shops will often accept what insurance pays. The same thing happened with my claim for the hood-keying incident, an the shop accepted the insurance company's rate for that repair as well.

I've got nothing but praise so far for WD, and having the warranty is peace of mind enough for me to drive the car as often as I like, on long trips, etc.

Money well spent as far as I'm concerned.
For clarification, I am not suggesting that Warranty Direct does not offer a good product. All I said was that their MajorCare MBI does not cover what most Boxster owners are concerned about. The key language in the actual policy is "All internally lubricated engine parts are covered if damaged by the Failure of an internally lubricated moving part." In essence, meaning that unless the engine problem was caused by failure of the oil pump, there is no coverage!

The more appropriate plan would be their SecureCare MBI, which has no such language in its policy. If you are OK with what that plan costs, buy it.
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