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Old 06-24-2024, 09:04 AM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2023
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 12
Haha! Sorry for the giant pic (compensating for my tiny 2.7). Thanks for the resize, @78F350.


2002 base model, 5-chain engine, single row bearing.

Following LN's instructions, I'm on Step 25—pushing the new bearing into the intermediate shaft. I was holding the internal nut and turning the outer nut clockwise to press in the new bearing. It felt like I was appliying too much torque, so I backed off, loosened the the tool to float it, and gave the assembly a bit of wiggle in case I wasn't on right. Then I retightened the mounting bolts of the tool and tried again. I leaned in with my giant hands and... snap goes the threaded rod. I disassembled the tool from the engine and the bearing is partially installed.

Name:  IMG_522A76C51B3E-1.jpeg
Views: 69
Size:  57.9 KB

This is my first time, so I'm wondering if the bearing got caught on something that would've blocked it from inserting? It's impossible to see around the faultless tool. The partially-installed bearing is still there, and it feels like it's connected to the IMS.

My plan is to remove the bearing with the faultless tool and retry, but I wanted to ask for any insight from y'all since I'm a virgin and just snapped my rod off.
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