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Old 10-08-2023, 12:43 PM   #5
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Posts: 60
So, more research done. The 987 axles are not going to work due to the difference in ABS sensors and resulting difference in axle side CV joint.

After measuring the old G86.00 against the 0A2 it seems that they are very close in where the axles are relative to the engine as well as relative to each other. And if my info is correct, the later 2.7 shafts are thicker and have the same / similar splines as the 986 S and the 987. So likely they will fit with the 987 CV joint on them.

In the mean time I pulled the old gearbox out. Comparing the two, it seems the 0A2 will mate directly to the engine and even input spline looks the same. Will take the clutch of the engine to trial fit later this week.
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