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Old 05-04-2023, 04:08 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by tcoradeschi View Post
99 44/100% probability that there is a bad micro switch in the latch on your passenger side door. Actually, the switch is probably fine, but the plastic face on the cam which actuated it is gone - not that it matters, because the path to a repair is to replace the latch.

There is the Porsche version of the part and the VW version of the part. I bought the VW version… you will have to poke around to find the part number.
When you say "latch" are you referring to what porsche calls a "lock"? In Pelican Parts there are 2 types of locks: with or w/o so called M535 anti-theft 315 MHz. Either a $700 or a $300 part. Yikes. There is a $155 URO part but it doesn't mention the M535 stuff.
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