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Old 05-04-2023, 12:12 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by brp987 View Post
The red light beside the door lock toggle switch on the dash is stuck "on". If I push the button the horn honks twice and the light remains lit. I looked in the owners manual and it says I need to bring the car to the dealer. I'm afraid the dealer is going to charge $2k for what seems to be a minor problem. It seems the passenger door window does not lower/raise upon closing. Otherwise, the car (a 2001 S) runs fine. Is it possible to bypass the central locking system and just unlock the door with a key? Anyone know what the problem is?
99 44/100% probability that there is a bad micro switch in the latch on your passenger side door. Actually, the switch is probably fine, but the plastic face on the cam which actuated it is gone - not that it matters, because the path to a repair is to replace the latch.

There is the Porsche version of the part and the VW version of the part. I bought the VW version… you will have to poke around to find the part number.
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