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Old 10-18-2022, 02:47 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Homeoboxter View Post
I`ve never heard of this. It`s probably not bad, I don`t see how the thrust control is achieved though. It`s similar to what I have used in my car, just I added an additional ball bearing for thrust control. I would still go with the factory NSK bearing though, that has the best reputation of all. And in your car it already lasted 160k miles and there`s no indication that it will fail soon. Why do you want to replace the flange and the center bolt btw?
Well I’ve heard how the center bolts are a weak spot and I’m having trouble getting my bearing out using an internal puller. So I might need to pull it using the center bolt and that has been known to break when using it to pull the bearing.
As for the flange, mine has some pitting on the surface that goes inside the bearing. I know that’s not spinning and merely holds the center race of the bearing but still it’d be nice to replace.
So you’re using two bearings in your car? I was actually thinking of doing that or trying to find a dual row bearing with one row of roller bearing and the other with ball or conical to support the thrust. Of course, with one look at bearing catalogs, I gave up on that! Those catalogs are not pleasant or easy to navigate for the layman!
Do you have a thread on your installation? I’ve read many of your threads and seen your helpful comments on other threads but I haven’t seen anything about a two bearing setup.
Anxious to see the details….
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