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Old 05-31-2022, 03:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by mikefocke View Post
Nothing special about the P-car battery except the physical size and positive, negative placement of the posts. Should have a tube for venting if not an AGM. So recent a battery should be under some warranty coverage. But also test your alternator's output. And clean the contact posts/points. If I could do it, anyone can.

The 986 (Model years 1997-2004) takes a BCI Group 48 (12.1X 6.9 X 7.6"), the 987 (2005-) takes a BCI Group 94R ( 12.4 X 6.9 X 7.5 "); both right hand positive terminal. The 94R is also slightly lower in CCA.

The 986 Tiptronic battery is bigger than the manual transmission version. They are listed this way in the general section of the official repair manuals:

Ah/A 60/280 Manual

Ah/A 70/320 Tiptronic

So buy a bigger CCA battery if you live in colder climes, drive a TIP Boxster, or have a bigger amp in the car.
My experience has always been that a battery with a higher "CCA" rating always lasts longer.
On average I get 10-12 years from a battery.
My 2000S battery tray has two hold down positions for both a group 48 and also a H7
Group 48 has a "CCA" rating of 690 where as the H7 has a rating of 800 "CCA"
The group 48 that the previous owner had installed lasted three years.
I replaced it with the H7 I expect to get 10-12 years life from it.
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