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Old 09-12-2021, 02:42 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by ike84 View Post
Btw - I have trained under and worked with some true mental giants, but I will tell you that some of the most intelligent people I have ever interacted with are farmers who never graduated high school. So, if you think that this way of thinking makes me an "unreliable" source of information, I would challenge you to rethink that position. Everyone has something they can teach, and everyone has something they can learn.

Sorry, that last point is a purely philosophical one but to me is very important. ...
Totally agree with you, I was raised on a farm and that training allows me to do what I do now... even though sometimes the way I do things may seem (or be) somewhat bizarre. And sometimes I screw up and learn something new!
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)
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