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Old 04-06-2021, 07:49 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by john12312 View Post
After putting the car up on jacks I changed the oil, brake fluid, transmission fluid and PS fluid. I did not start not the car for a week and a half while I waited for parts then changed the ignition coils, plug tubes and plugs. I started the car while still up on jacks and the top in service position and the engine made a weird screeching/whinning sound and smoke came out of the engine bay, smelled like gas. Got a check engine light. I pulled the plugs and they smell like gas. Don't think they fired. I put back the original coils and same issue. All of the ignition coil clips were secure so i don't think it's that connection. I don't have a scan tool and I don't want to run the engine for very long as it starts to smoke moments after starting. Anyone have any thoughts before I flatbed it to my mechanic?
I think you have a few issues going on.
First a good OBDII scanner for a reasonable price is a Foxwell.
I have a 520 Pro. I think that model has been upgraded to the 530 Pro.
It does everything the Durametric does for around $175.00 and you can load multiple manufactures programs on it.

I am guessing with this so take that into account.
If you changed the plugs and now your smelling raw gas and some plugs seem like they are not firing. My guess is that you have crossed up your plug wires.
Make sure you have the coils on the correct plugs or Cylinders.

The weird screeching noise!!! Could be that the Power steering pump has not picked up the fluid yet so the pump is dry and whining.
Again Just guessing here!!
Keep us posted let us know the outcome.
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