Thread: Removing M535
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Old 11-29-2020, 10:32 AM   #5
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As mentioned on the 1st post, I have some connection issues between the key fobs and alarm control unit (ACU). Key fobs do send the signal as inspectedby 'Keyfobrepair'. Regardless of this, Porche dealer could not get the connection to work between the key fobs and the car.

I got the ACU out today and Looks like the ACU is fine - does not have any sign of moisture in it. Also the pins on the connectors and plastic box is super clean inside out.

Both, the ACU and fobs were replaced on 2015 by previous owner due to water damage in old unit. So, the current unit looks real good maybe for a good reason.

It is just amazing that the keys do not communicate with the ACU - not even with the attempt by Porsche dealer...
Could there be any other fault possibilities to check before ordering a new fob from Porsche dealer?

Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual
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