Originally Posted by PaulE
Hi, maybe you haven't received any replies because people are familiar with the term ECU but don't recognize M535 in the heading. I wouldn't have either except I just installed a waterproof case on mine and saw M535 on the cover of the ECU. Anyway, these are the instructions for installing the waterproof case. One thing that may be helpful is they say it is important to unplug the black plug from the ECU before unplugging the blue plug. I don't think your car or ECU will care that they are disconnected for a while, people send their water damaged ECU's out to be repaired all the time. But I'm no expert here. If your car is stored in an indoor secure area, I would recommend putting the top down before taking the seat out of the car, as you'll have an easier time. Another pointer I can give yo is to put a large towel or blanket over the door sill because the seat tracks have sharp edges and will scratch the paint and plastic, and the seat is heavy and hard to maneuver. Finally, don't reconnect the battery until the ECU and seat are both fully installed.
Thank you for this advice. Yes, it is important to protect the surroundigs when removing the seat. Last winter when I did clean the seats leatehr, I did wrap the seat rail ends with plenty of twel and tape - no scrathes to the car

I'll follow the link for the instructions and get the ACU sorted out. The water proof case is a good option as well.