Thread: Removing M535
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Old 11-20-2020, 01:38 PM   #1
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Removing alarm control unit M535

Sorry if this has been covered someplace already...
I just placed my car (2001 Boxster 2.7 with Manual transmission) in to winter sleep.
There is some issues with key fob remotes not communicating with the M535 unit and it has been verified that key fobs do send good signal. Regardless of the previous, Porsche dealer could not pair the M535 with the key fob remotes.
For the above reasons, I'd like to take the M535 unit out from the car and inspect it if there is water damage etc. If needed to, get unit sent to be repaired.
Before the removal, the plan is to disconnect the battery ground, remove the frunk latch lock 'hook' from the frunk lid.
Should I do something else or take something else in to consideration before removing the M535, so I could install it back later on without too much of grief?
Thank you for any comments
Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual

Last edited by pilot4fn; 11-29-2020 at 01:04 PM.
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