I tried to follow their instructions (2013)...and think there was a little part which was not 100% precisely described…But the OBC worked, created that harness which plugs into the switch and the other ends into the proper cluster harness.
I ended up with a different open question on the pelican Forums concerning the CC Option (2013):
BRAN: How would i wire the cruise control connector in case of a 2001 Boxster with a 996 2004 gauge - Motronic or Instrument Gauge?
This post was auto-generated based upon a question asked on our tech article page here:
P.S.: I was able to add the OBC stalk switch without removing the steering wheel and I am still convinced to be able to do that with the other switch as well.
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray