Thread: My Red '97
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Old 01-02-2020, 02:04 PM   #2
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I haven't done any work on it yet other than a very simple PPI (Post Purchase Inspection) Here's some basics:
  • Oil leaks from most of the spark plug tubes.
  • Oil on top of the engine looks like it came from oil cooler o-rings
  • New shift linkage and left side suspension (replaced after old driveshaft came loose).
  • The coolant tank was just replaced, but it was a cheap aftermarket tank and hoses aren't fully connected.
  • IMS bearing was said to have been replaced by the previous owner - no details.
  • Good regular maintenance with documentation until the last couple years.
  • Oil sample looks great visually, spin-on adapter installed.
  • Soft top frame is broken, minor window/door issues.
  • Chipped tail lights and headlights need a polish.
  • Rear tires need to be replaced.
  • Power steering may not work, but fluid level is good.

The issues are all stuff I have dealt with before and most of the parts needed are in my garage and shed. As a '97 with over 180k miles, it's hit the bottom of depreciation and would not be easy to sell for a profit even if I do make it pristine. For now I plan to fix the issues I find and enjoy it for a while as what it is.

I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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