Originally Posted by Fchotika
Hello, thank you for sharing. I am in the middle of the cam pad replacement too. Prior to tear down I was at -7 and -8. Pads were worn on both side at -8 bank 2.
Did you do this with the engine in? I removed mine for better access but dread having installed it all back trying to snake in adjust cam positions again.
Prior to tear down I was at -11-12 or so both sides, very worn!
I did it with the engine in, wasn't too bad. You just have to unbolt the front motor mount (with engine on a jack) and drop the front of the engine a few inches, then all cam cover bolts are accessible. That was to remove the cams, adjusting cams only you don't even have to loosen the mount and lower the front of the motor, everything is reachable without issue both sides. This is assuming you have the SIR cam timing tool, the Porsche style won't fit onto the heads with the engine in the car.
You should be able to adjust the cams with the engine out of the car just fine, I have run into something unusual, I don't think most people need to touch the cams after following proper timing procedures after the pad replace. Only suggestion I have there is to time the cams before you put the cover on, and after. The cams are much easier to move when the cover isn't on there, then when you time with the cover on you are basically checking that nothing moved on assembly.