Thread: Top mounts
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Old 05-15-2019, 02:04 PM   #3
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When I put my PSS9 on I replaced my rubber bushing stock top mounts with Tarett camber plates in the front, and a set of OEM top mounts with an Elephant monoball bushing cartridge retrofitted. Since I did all that work at the same time, I'm not sure what changed what, but I can offer the feedback that I didn't notice that NVH significantly increased. I was already running front Tarett LCA monoballs, and rear toe arms with spherical bearing rod ends, and I didn't notice any NVH from them either. But then I didn't daily drive the car either.

I actually bought two pairs of the Elephant cartridges because I was going to retrofit the front strut tops as well, but then I lucked onto a set of the Tarett camber plates at a good price so I got those.

If you have everything apart, at least in the US those front top mounts are relatively cheap, the rear ones are a little more expensive, but it is a good time to do it along with new bump stops When I did a suspension refresh a while back I kept the same back mounts which looked fine, but got new front top mounts, because they had some cracking. Maybe with all the steering they have more wear?
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