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Old 03-31-2019, 07:28 AM   #4
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Just lived through the exact IMS decision tree myself. I read so much, I actually made a Word document to capture my evolving thinking as I learned more. I first decided I had to do something because if not, it would drive me crazy each time I drove the car. Then, I would swing back and forth between the roller bearings and the LNE dual row ceramic. Then, I totally surprised myself by choosing the Solution which I had previously eliminated due to cost. Two things that changed my mind are 1.It it is re-usable. I could easily see my engine fail from some other issue and liked the idea that I could re-use my IMS with my next engine. 2. I had to admit that the LNE guys and Jake R. have established The Solution firmly in the marketplace as the best mechanical option which I believe has an impact with future buyers.
After installing it, I would do it again.
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