Thread: This & That
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Old 03-11-2019, 05:04 PM   #33
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I've had THAT back from my daughter for about a week now to get some more maintenance done. A couple days ago I took the hard top off and finished fixing the soft top. One of the switches in the roof latch had gone bad and the replacement I got was from a later model and needed to have a switch added so the windows would work correctly (They would not close the last 6" when the top was up). All good now.

Today I replaced the starter, it was hanging up a little after the start, making a squeal. The hardest part of the starter replacement is moving the throttle body and intake tubing to get access. While I was in there I cleaned the throttle body too.

I'm going to replace the front brakes next, but have to wait another day or two for shipping. That should be a quick easy job.

There are two problems I noticed during a test drive and still need to sort out. On hard acceleration and deceleration, the car has a very uncomfortable yaw. For a while I thought it was front suspension wear. Recently it got significantly worse and I'm pretty sure now that it's the motor mount and it has worn out completely. The other problem was a big, long puff of smoke after a high G right turn. It may just be that the oil level was a bit high, but I'm wondering about the AOS. I checked with a manometer and it was about 4.8 InH2O, so it should be good. There was some oil in the AOS to intake tube today when I had it off. I cleaned it all up. Hopefully it doesn't come back.
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Last edited by 78F350; 03-11-2019 at 10:47 PM.
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