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Old 01-18-2019, 05:27 PM   #22
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by hazardc View Post
... Unfortunately, it doesn't turn the ignition. The other key is without a pill for sure, but turns ignition. Could be the ignition wearing out (they seem to get "sticky" when cold hits)...
The key in my daughter's car was very hard to turn even after replacing the electronic ignition switch. I have disassembled some old ignition tumblers and found that they had hardened grease jamming them. Try cleaning and lubing the ignition. With my daughter's car, I just put grease on the key and turned it a few times, then it was fine.

Originally Posted by BrokenLinkage
Geez is there something in the water around here?
Did Christmas wear off? The bill came in?
No telling what everyone's grumpy about, but there's a lot of it going around. I was really sad to see Jamesp quit the forum a couple months back. He had always been very generous and helpful with me. Maybe we should all tune out the cable news and Twitter for a month or two. Go for a drive or plan a trip for when your car comes out of storage.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.
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