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Old 10-15-2018, 10:16 AM   #5
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Is your shifter up on a riser where you can get to it without having to take a lot of stuff on? What if you take the two ball ends off and manually move the cables to shift gears? Then put just one ball end on (the one that connects to the bottom of the shift lever for fore/aft), move the other cable to the middle (it should go there by itself if the ball end is off and you press the clutch) and then try that one to verify fore/aft (3/4) gear change and see what happens.

Does the shift arm hit anything?

If it all works, then add in the left/right cable. When I first bought my car it was misadjusted and the ball end rubbed heavily on the shifter body, the rubber got chewed off, which made it rub more, etc...
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