Originally Posted by oldskool73
I've got a Chinese unit from Xtrons, Runs latest Android (8), 8 cores, 32gb ROM, 4gb RAM, 3USB, works great.
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/XTRONS-7-HD-Android-8-0-Octa-Core-OREO-4G-RAM-PX5-Universal-Car-Radio-Stereo/32849740334.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4due4 pzV
For navigation I use Google Maps no issues, GPS locks on fast (I just mounted the receiver directly on top of the unit under the air ducts), you can even say 'ok google navigate to xxx' and it'll fire up. Android 8 has PiP and split screen, so you can have maps and e.g. the radio visible at once, or have a small floating map always over whatever other screen you're on. Radio works fine, but commercial radio... meh. For music I normally use Google Music, works great and the album art looks good on the screen. I share internet from my phone over wifi. Calls come through ok, I didn't bother mounting an external mic but the other end seem to be able to hear me fine. Screen dimming works based on the headlights being on/off, as do the button illuminations. Volume increases based on the speed from the GPS. Torque works fine via a cheap bluetooth OBDII. Reverse camera works great when I put it in reverse, and can be used instantly on power on. Normal boot up takes about 20s, there's an instant boot mode also, but I leave that off because I assume it's keeping it powered on to do that and don't want to drain the battery. I use one of the USB inputs to power my dashcam, so that powers down when the unit turns off also.
This is the second unit I've had, the first was a couple of years ago, and it was pretty crap, way underpowered. I'm a lot happier with this one. If I could change one thing it'd be the lack of a volume dial, but the screens are .5" smaller with a physical knob layout.
Overall I'm happy, and it was a lot cheaper than the 'name brand' options, you just need to shop around and pick carefully based on specs and reviews, as there's a lot of crap out there also.

Oldskool, this is the post I was waiting for!!!!....
If you don't mind, can you elaborate on what you used to install this stereo?, dash install kit?, adapter harness?, any additional install/hardware instructions/recommendations?...
Is the sound better than factory?, anything you would do different?...
I'm glad you had success with your stereo, as long as you don't mind sharing, I cant wait to hear back from you....
Thanks ALL!!!.....