Originally Posted by steved0x
If that was a Track Night in America, I think you would be better off at a PCA HPDE - at Track Night in America, there are no instructors in the cars even for novices. For first timers, I don't think it gets much better than a PCA HPDE. I have seen a fair amount of novices ball their cars up at track night in america on youtube.
Here is an upcoming event at Thompson 8/24
AMEN and excellent synopsis, steved0x. PCA is wonderful for HPDE at all levels for safety but particularly so for novice and intermediate...
Originally Posted by steved0x
LOL - if it's anything like regions I run with, everyone who SHOULD be A/I+ sign up to drive as A/I - ... yes
you Mr. Chipped and Tuned 750HP Turbo S