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Old 09-06-2006, 01:21 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Sammy
This is an honest question so there is no sarcasm meant...

What options are out there that offer a drop top with the same handling abilities as a Boxster? Keep in mind that I'm a firm believer that the best handling cars are mid-engine.


I think it is a valid question. But, the Boxster is not the best handling car in the world. I've owned several which will outperform it, including my current Lotus Esprit (with approx the same weight, HP, length and track - coincidence?), a lotus Europa and an Elan SE. The Noble M400, the Cayman S, and new Elise will also out-handle it, but of course of all these, only the Elan is offered as a convertible.

The Boxster may be the best handling production drop top in the world, but the Lotus Elan, a limited production drop top (1962-1973), is generally considered by enthusiasts and automotive engineers to be the best handling car of all time. This is the model most shoot for, in fact, the Miata is the result of Mazda buying 2 '71 Elans in the mid-80's and reverse engineering them. I used to own one (a '72SE) and it'll run circles around the Boxster. BTW, most do not realize that the Elan is a Front mid-engine car in that the engine lies behind the front axle. If you ever have the opportunity to drive one of these, be sure not to pass it up.

But, back to your question. There is no perfect car, or any car that will top out in the Speed and Handling categories at the same time. If you think you can slap on a bunch of ponies and reach this ultimate goal, you'll find that you fall short or upset the delicate balance of the car. The fatsest car is not often the first to complete a lap, it's how far you can stay off the brakes into the corner and how soon you can get back on the power which will determine who can lap the fastest. Finesse over power will win almost every time...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
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