Hello 986forum.com Members,
My name is Che, I'm a New member in this forum. I'm Looking for a Member that is willing to try out the Boxster Exhaust and Header for FREE,

in return that particular Member needs to Provide Baseline and After Dyno Result on this Forum along with Review write up. I will collect $1,000.00 Deposit for the Exhaust System + Header, Once that member provide all above requirment the Full Deposit will be Return immediately.
Dyno Result Requirment:
Stock Baseline -> Header Installed Dyno Result -> Exhaust + Header Installed Dyno Result
Eligible Criteria: (One Member Only)
The Boxster I'm Looking for is 97-99 2.5L with Stock set up, Intake Mods will be fine.
This is Link for the Detail Information and Pictures of the Exahust and Header:
http://search.stores.ebay.com/delubozparts_boxster_W0QQfciZQ2d1QQfclZ4QQfsnZdelu bozpartsQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQftsZ2QQsaselZ24549228QQs ofpZ0
I'm also a Very Active Member in this Forum:
You can verify my Posting and Feedbacks + Comments I had from that Forum members. You can Search under Jen Che Lin,Che,Che's,Deluboz,Delubozparts this way you know I'm very Sincere and want to Offer same Sevice in this Forum Community.
Please E-Mail
deluboz@aol.com if you have additional Questions, Thank you for your time !!!
Best Regards,