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Old 10-03-2017, 08:52 AM   #14
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Join Date: May 2014
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Well done to pass SMog !
The cure for many of the Boxster vacuum problems is silicone hose,brass barb fittings and a Mighty Vac to test the system.Cheap enough but tedious. Your repair will outlive the M96 !
Originally Posted by boxfix View Post
#22 check valve should go in that hole. On my 2003 boxster it would slip out no barbs or ridge to hold it in.

I got a 3/16 brass barbed fitting from the hardware store and some 4mm silicon tubing.

I put the barbed fitting in the hole, and connected the tubing to the other end of the fitting and then the check valve.

I used another barbed brass fitting to plug into the "Y" connector.

Unfortunately the brass fitting into the manifold is hidden here behind a hose. I will try to get a better photo next time I am in there.

I also replaced my vacuum reservoir as it was leaking.

When done I had 18"Hg on a vacuum gauge I installed.

After a month of messing around my car cleared all monitors in 200 miles and passed CA smog!!
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