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Old 08-29-2017, 07:47 AM   #40
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Spark Plug Tube Seals or 'O' Rings

The one size fits all removal tool suggestion may not work.
I have used several different brands of 'O' rings. They vary in 2 important ways.
1. Out of the packet they may vary in thickness,i.d. and o.d. between brands.
2. Some swell substantially after just a few heat cycles.
This may explain why many find the transom plug tool useless.
The tool that always works - even with swollen seals is the long bolt plus washer.
The easiest seal+tube combo I have encountered is OEM Porsche. The 'fatest' ,most difficult are URO. But the URO sure did not leak ! But wow ,the force required to extract was alarming.
The long bolt + washer will always work, the Transom Plug only sometimes.
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