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Old 08-03-2017, 11:21 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by That986 View Post
Blah, blah, blah, about what I expected. I was wondering when the united ims replacement front would show up.

Can we actually get back to the thread in hand and pass on the "omg you better replace it now" comments?
If you have a technical comment to add to the collective wisdom at Rennlist or this Forum -we're all eyeballs.Did you understand Mike's comment?
Replacing the IMSB proactively may be futile - see below.
One unique example - I personally did a complete rebuild on an M96 that had had the original (85kmiles) 'still serviceable' single row IMSB.The P.O. replaced it but failed to address a more serious issue. The upgrade hybrid ceramic replacement was irrelevant to the outcome. FOM damaged #5 within less than 500 miles of the replacement IMSB being fitted..So the engine is on it's 3rd IMSB even though no part of the IMS system was ever shown to be defective.
Sometimes the cure is worse than....
Very difficult to make a useful generalization on the IMS problem other than the tolerance issues.Unless you can correlate the symptoms,diagnosis and outcomes you encourage people to gamble.Mileage is but one factor, driving style another but if you read Rennlist and this Forum carefully ,it is obvious there are many other issues.It is not random.And IMSB failure may not be the caused by the bearing .
First, do no harm.Particularly to others.

Last edited by Gelbster; 08-03-2017 at 11:30 AM.
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