Originally Posted by alex.rhodes
Guy had the audacity to try to blame this on me. Said there was a car coming up fast behind him so he had to get over and because I was there I had to be speeding.
This is why you need a front+REAR dash cam.
I had the same problem - rear ended at a stop light.Claimed I had cut him off. His word against mine .Sad reflection on the other guy's honesty but that did not help with the damage cost. My Insurance Co believed me so my rates did not suffer much.I fixed it myself with the small settlement I arm-twisted out of the other guy's Insurance company.
Without evidence you could be hit with substantial increases in future Premiums. Not fair but in the murky world of Insurance ,it happens and such incidents haunt your record(furtively) for years.
Consider the Dash Cam as part of your Insurance Premium price? Without evidence they will try everything to deny the claim.