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Old 05-17-2017, 08:21 AM   #34
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I am not an expert on this circuit- it isn't mine- but here are a few comments that may help you.
The install looks straightforward,just procedural.There is an excellent visual tutorial. Issues like do I /don't I need to disconnect the battery are covered.No soldering required. Easily reversible -so you can claim the circuit is for Testing Purposes only.That part of the project install is entirely your issue in your Smog jurisdiction.

I suggest your persistent SAI code needs some investigation because the SAI "problem Solver" circuit should stop the CEl but obviously won't seal a vacuum leak.
Any SAI-related electrical problem is completely solved with Particleweave's circuit. Note - it is not my circuit!
The vacuum leak(if this is the cause of your CEL) may still be an issue for systems other than SAI - it depends where the leak is and if you bypass/plug it successfully. These links will help you?
so many little hoses
Vacuum Confusion -SOLVED
air intake/vacuum line routing - Pelican Parts Technical BBS
If the leak is in the SAI side of the vacuum system you need to either bypass/isolate &/or plug it. From the many Vac hose diagrams linked above, you can easily see where to plug.
If you check the last link above, find the diagram with the Green Captions and markings. The "Problem Solver" will eliminate an SAI-related CEL caused by insufficient vacuum

Other non SAI problems will still be there ! The SAI 'Problem Solver" circuit is not a panacea for all fault codes and defects in the vac system :-).
For example if the Vacuum Accumulator is leaking and you plug the SAI connection at the Y or 4-way at the Vac accumulator, it will stop the SAI-related CEL but the Resonance Flap may not function correctly (J & K).
If the vacuum leak is severe it may have been causing a lean condition that will continue to produce misleading O2 Sensor codes because the A/F ratio is wrong and the DME maxes out an attempt to compensate by adding more fuel. In this way an SAI fault may also be part of a Cat Insufficiency failure code problem. That is a separate subject.
So it is a good idea to vacuum test the remaining, active part of the Vacuum system after you plug off the SAI section.
Competency - fitting the "Problem Solver" circuit is straightforward. Dealing with the other Vacuum issues requires study of the system(links above) dismantling and time/dexterity to reach the vac hoses to correct other problems. You need a hand Vac pump with a gauge ,good quality 3mm silicone hose and some vac fittings/connectors/plugs.
I hope this helps get you started to an SAI-free live with your Boxster !
Originally Posted by flouese View Post
Not trying to sound incompetent, but is there a level of difficulty installing this? I've been clearing SAI related codes for 2 years and would like to be done with it once and for all.

Last edited by Gelbster; 05-17-2017 at 03:31 PM.
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