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Old 04-14-2017, 07:49 AM   #14
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"I appreciate everyone's input."
You are welcome.It is an M96 with a potential CPS problem. So all that is suggested is 100% relevant to the 986 Boxster also.
Back to the CPS. The heat related failure mode can be simulated. The procedure requires you remove the CPS , connect a DMM and watch the Ohms change when you heat it with a powerful hairdryer.
JFP an expert(unlike me!) suggests specifically( and I know you may have done this part of the diagnostics already):
"Remove the CPS sensor connector, connect your Multimeter to pin #1 and pin#2, at 68F it should read 0.8-1.0K ohms; then connect the multimeter to pin #1 and pin #3 and it should read infinite ohms; if it does not read correctly in either range, can the sensor and replace it. "
At least it is a simple job with a reasonably priced part :-). Good Luck and let us know what the fix was.It may be an omen - keep the car !
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