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Old 04-12-2017, 08:14 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Giller View Post
Wow, guy is just asking a question, and politely at that, and you guys are turning this into Rennlist.

Dude, when it comes to those model years, I'm not aware of any serious flaws. Get a PPI from a qualified Porsche mechanic and you should be good. Depending on the mileage, suspension will be starting to show its age and the water pump may need attention....
I am unqualified to answer anything about a later 987 .Same goes for many of us.And I have about 3000 Posts on 4 Forums about the 986.
Why not go to the correct Forum where there are lots of knowledgeable people to help him based on knowledge ? There were (according to Porsche) thousands of changes to the 2012 MY compared to the 1997MY Boxster. According to Porsche there was an 80% change between 2004 and 2005 alone !See link below."2005 MY: 80% new Type 987 Boxster and Boxster S launched."
THe flaws of 987 cars have been discussed on the 987 Forums and they have Buyers Guides and Faqs there . Start with DFI and PDK.Hinting that there are not problems is misleading - exactly why he needs to go to a 987 Forum !
In deference to our hosts I did not link to the obvious Forum but since you mentioned Rennlist, here is one :
This info is easy to find ONLY if someone is kind enough to give him that one critical number "7" as in 987 .And I did. With a Search of "987 Buyers Guide" he is golden.

Last edited by Gelbster; 04-12-2017 at 08:33 AM.
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