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Old 02-22-2017, 08:52 AM   #10
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This is a guy who actually does this kind of work - not just a keyboard mechanic ! If he chooses an Audi V8 ,there has to be some good reasons !
The AUdi V6 tt swap I linked months ago was done by a guy in U.K. -on ramps, outside ! So it must be fairly straightforward.
Porsche Boxster 986 - engine swap project - Page 1 - Readers' Cars - PistonHeads

Just google "Boxster audi v6 swap" -lots of hits.This is what Porsche should have done from the beginning to differentiate from the 996.Imagine = all the reliability and lower parts prices of an Audi !It is all relative !
Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
I'm very slowly moving towards an Audi 4.2L V8 swap into a 2000 S. Nothing notable for progress yet, but a few comments that I can contribute.

The 32 Valve (ABZ) engine:
Cable throttle.
Bolts right up to the 5-speed transmission.
Did not come with a manual transmission option in the USA.
Has a 10 bolt output on the crankshaft and will need a custom adapter to mate up with any flywheel. 034 motorsports makes one. Looks like they are almost out of stock.
A simpler (probably more reliable) design than the 40V engines, but a little less power.
Very affordable.

40 Valve (AKB, AQF, ART, AUX, AWN....)
Comes in a variety of vehicles: A6, A8, VW Touareg.
eGas throttle.
Bolts right up to the 5-speed transmission.
8 bolt output, can directly use an available flywheel and clutch.
Variable valve timing and a little more power than the ABZ.
Costs more than the ABZ, but still very affordable.
More complex for custom ECU.

***Neither of these is an easy fit and will require some creativity to sort out the height and position of the intake.

Last edited by Gelbster; 02-22-2017 at 08:55 AM.
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