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Old 02-03-2017, 01:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by marin3e View Post
Hi guys, I have a 98 2.5 boxster, it is hard to start first thing, it coughs and misfires and takes me approx 4 starts to get it started. Once it has started its fine, and it will start perfectly for the rest of the day first go.

I have replaced the plugs,
I took the MAF sensor off and gave it a spray with MAF cleaner,

Just wondering if anyone could give me a heads up.
What happens if you let the starter motor run a little longer? I ask because I am wondering if a leaky injector(s) is causing a slow build in adequate fuel pressure.It may be useful to monitor fuel pressure from a cold start.Suggest you Search for the specs and how/where to attach the fuel pressure tester if you think this is possibility.On an older car with lots of miles on the injectors it is plausible speculation.
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