Suggest you include one other term in your search "Smog Test".
You need to pass the Sniffer & the Visual in most States. If you fail due to an equipment violation, the consequences can be dire. I just wish I could get away with it in California.And yes ,I know about emulation,reflash, spacer tubes for the O2 sensor,matte black header paint and all the other smog-outlaw hacks( and have done most of them too -off road only of course!).Just be sure you know what you are getting in to. Yes , I am envious !
Also ,make sure you have a plan if the header bolts break. I always suggest s/s stud kits - after you remove the broken bolt(s) and Helicoil them.
Last edited by Gelbster; 02-01-2017 at 02:43 PM.