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Old 12-30-2016, 03:19 PM   #21
Certified Boxster Addict
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Los Angeles
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Here is the install....

First, the screws and captive nuts that I listed earlier don't match so I ran to the local hardware store and bought 8mm cap bolts that worked fine with the above listed captive nuts.

The install was very easy. Simply remove the old cover and remove the quick release captive nuts using a small screwdriver (they are tight but just pull off). Then push on the new captive nuts, install the metal cover, and install the bolts. I used a screwdriver to align the new captive nuts with the cover holes to make it easy to start the bolts.

The old composite engine cover weighs 7.8 lbs; the 987 metal engine cover weighs 4.0 lbs for a savings of 3.8lbs.

The 986 carpet cover fits over the 987 engine cover but the slightly larger hump in the 987 cover can be seen if you look at the photo carefully. I'm not sure if the rear compartment/speakers could be installed or not.

New bolts from hardware store...

Old captive nut...

New captive nut installed...

986 cover (left) vs 987 cover (right)...

Final install...

1999 996 C2 - sold - bought back - sold for more
1997 Spec Boxster BSR #254
1979 911 SC
POC Licensed DE/TT Instructor
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