Originally Posted by The Radium King
Thanks for the interesting link your Radium Highness. .
Fabspeed stole my idea ;-) .But did not finish the task.
Seriously, does it fit the 986?
It looks like it is too large in diameter for the stock(salvaged) MAF tube and the rest of the reused intake ducting..
I see where the Fabspeed design inspired the OP. Surprising he did not disclose the source of inspiration. Perhaps he was robbed also!
I note that Fabspeed do not excavate more space from the void between the inner/outer fender walls to give the filter a plenum to work in. The filter pictured would be jammed up against the walls of the stock cavity in the 986. Maybe there is already more space in the 987?
The Fabspeed system for the 98
7 is $800. We have the 98
6. I think 986 Forum can fill that gap with a diy that saves at least $600!
The Fabspeed parts list+Flebay prices for the 98
7 kit seems to be :
1. Cone Filter 3" $20
2. Five hose clamps 3" $20
3. One 45 deg adapter hose 3" $15
4. One flex hose 3" between the adapter plate and the MAF$? 20 but tacky.
Or, Upgrade to a 3" silicone 90 deg + straight coupler +45 deg for an incremental $40?
5. One adapter plate drilled to match the old airbox mounts (free diy).
6 a 3" 'MAF' housing flange adapter either side $20. This is to connect the flex hose and the filter to either side of the adapter plate.
The flex hose or couplers really need a heat shield -they are right above the header? Maybe $20
All this is available on EBay but please avoid the Fake china stuff with 2 month lead times. Ask me how ..... and do not rely on the Feedback rating of these fakers - they manipulate it. Ask me....
Let's get hacking !
Don't forget to buy a better stainless mesh Maf screen -the 987 has this upgrade and apparently it helps protect the Maf better (slightly smaller mesh size). And a 3/4 thick x 3" air flow straightener?