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Old 10-26-2016, 08:32 AM   #253
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Originally Posted by oldskool73 View Post
Nice, but why did you buy those cheap plastic ones instead of a set from board member Nine8Six (Fred) like on the car in your image?
Porsche Headlight Retrofit [from CAD, prototyping to finish)

From what I've read you're going to have to be doing quite a bit of dremel work to get those generic ones to fit properly. Also you might want to use gloss instead of matt black spray, if you read through the thread above there's mention of matt getting too hot in summer... though you may be ok in the UK

Also, what kind of lacquer did you use to get them looking nice? I have a set of clears that I just can't get the fine buff marks out of after I restored them, was going to try some clear coat, apparently this stuff works ok and has UV protection...

Good luck with opening them up, the ovens in the UK and Aus aren't as big as the US ones obviously, no way the light would fit in my oven. I ended up using a heat gun and it worked in the end but took ages!
The Rustoleum is ok, but not great. It's difficult to get an even finish without crazing and it is quite soft when cured (chips and scratches very easily).
It will also be ruined if you need to heat and open your headlights again. Any temp above 175f will cause the clear to fog up and craze.

There's no substitute for professional clear coat.
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